Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Is it even possible to fit in any more?! Why beachbody coaching works....

working moms, stress, extra cash

Sometimes I'm pretty sure my heads not even attached anymore! For real! Working full time thats included a ton of travel. Both kids in sports and my husband I both coach. Its crazy, its stressful its my life.

So why did I add Beachbody coaching to my "to do" list? Because I LOVE IT! Its my heart and passion beyond my kids. Its about me staying accountable to my healthy lifestyle and its about helping others do the same for themselves.

I hear the "MOM STORY" all too often.

The story about moms giving everything to their kids, their spouse and to their household. Why is it that we as women neglect ourselves once we become moms? All I know is that my 5am workouts are all I have for me and I NEED IT! Its my sanity. Its my health. It makes me a better mom, a better wife and a more patient person. Then out of no where I will get a message that I helped someone drop a few pounds. Or helped them find themself again. Thats when all the stars are aligned. This is when I truly feel the best about myself! I feel good getting fit. I feel better when I help and inspire others. this is exactly what i was MEANT to do!

Initially husband was not on board. That didn't last long, within a few weeks I was covering my monthly shake costs. Not long after that I was making enough so that we could have date nights and go to dinner as a family. Then suddenly, this passion of mine paid for our family trip to disney and won us a trip to cancun.

Some days I can only give this business 5 minutes, some days 20, some days an hour. It doesn't matter. Its my business. I am in control. I am consistent. I never miss my shakes or workouts and I share my journey.

I want to build my team with passionate people that love the feeling of helping others. I want people that are tired of feeling crappy and are ready to take control of their lives. I want people that want to show their children that health and fitness is a necessary and fun part of their life.

This is my why. This is what I love. This is where my heart is. if I can fit this in  my life you can fit it in yours. You have to want it. I will give you 100% support and training and show you that you are worth it. Its time to pay it forward and lead by example.

Are you ready to join me?

If so comment below with your email and we can chat.

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